Masked Up But Nowhere To Go

I've been silent for quite awhile. Not that I expect anyone to notice, but at least I noticed.

With all of the craziness in Hong Kong for the last half a year, I seemed to have lost the heart to write. Well, at least to write in the light-hearted, fun tone that I try to maintain here in Egg Tart Land. My journal has seen its fair share of traffic, though.

But as someone recently told me, the world is dark enough, so why not be light-hearted? Sometimes people, and even you, just want a break from the news and the night and the worry when you hear yet another siren as you step outside.

I can't promise that I'll keep it up. After all, writing for a joint like this with bad pay and loose deadlines (ok, no pay and no deadlines) doesn't necessarily give me the best motivation to keep writing. And sometimes I just really can't make myself do it. But then again, maybe I will. Maybe I will.

This morning, I was texting with an old friend of mine. She works as a nurse, and I was telling her about my trouble getting ahold of masks during this Coronavirus scare. She helpfully sent me a picture of a PAPR kit (or something like that). Just imagine Darth Vader and you will get the idea. I might not be able to move and also might scare everyone around me, but at least I wouldn't catch the virus. I wonder if I'd make that weird breathing noise too. Might even get my own seat on the bus. Could be worth it.

Face masks (surgical ones, not the ones for making your skin dewy and fresh) aren't really a thing in the States, unless you're a surgeon. I know when I lived in the States, I didn't get them either. When you live in such spacious and often dry places, you don't think about masks doing you any good. Even recently, I saw someone (a US someone) post an article about how masks don't really help because they would only protect you if people are coughing or sneezing or spitting on you.

When you are in Hong Kong and have to take public transportation, heck even walk down the street, THAT IS A REAL POSSIBILITY! In the States, you have to try really hard to bump into someone. Here, any time you step outside it's like an endless game of frogger.

Another thing I never got was that masks aren't just about protecting yourself; it's your service to mankind. You aren't going to spread your sickness to the lady next to you on the bus because your cough droplets are caught by your mask shield. What a hero.

I first realized the importance of the mask in protecting both parties when I was working at a tutoring center. Trapped in a small, airless cell (I mean office) with a student who is under the weather is a sure-fire way to get sick. For that matter, if I were sick, I would certainly be sharing my despair with my student. Sorry kid, your past perfect exercise will be coming with the sniffles today.

Now I've become quite militant about it. At work, my ears will perk up whenever I hear a cough.

"Mask! Put on a mask!" I might even helpfully bring the box to them and wait until they put one on. And if they refuse to mask up, then I don one myself. You've got to love yourself if no one else does.

I've also gotten used to the breathability of masks. This is something I think Hong Kongers don't get about Westerners. It's not necessarily that they are selfish or that they want to make other people sick, but a lot of Westerners just aren't convinced that masks are necessary. When you're not used to using one, then it can feel downright suffocating. Why start hyperventilating and panic-breathing if you don't even think it will make a difference?

Back in the day, I also hated wearing them. Just let me breathe my sweet freedom! But now I've slowly come to accept them, even like them. Especially when you're sick, it's kind of like a warm, comforting quilt wrapped around your face. Doesn't that sound nice? It only took five years to get there.

These days, you pretty much need to have a mask on just to step out your front door. I'd say a good 90% of the citizenry are using them to avoid the Coronavirus. No matter what happens in the next few months, at least we tried!

Unless, of course, the city runs out of masks. There is that. I've got a few weeks supply of masks, but who knows after that. Of course I've also been working from home so I have fewer chances to step outside my door BUT I do still need to buy food and go to the post office and buy the new Hershey's sundae from McDonald's. Priorities.

Hey, any of you readers want to contribute to a good cause? No need to join my Patreon page, just send a few masks my way. Will write for masks!

No? Well it was worth a try.


  1. Hello Lolai. I am a Pastor from Mumbai India. I am glad to stop by your profile on the blogger and the blog post. I am also blessed and feel privileged and honoured to get connected with you as well as know you and about your interest. Interesting to go thrugh your blog post on Mask as Carona virus is making every one coucious about the life threatening virus if you do not take measures to privent it. In India also we are warn to take precaution at home as well as when you are out of your house. I love getting connected with the people of God aorund the globe to be encouraaged strengthened and praying for one another. I have been in the Pastoral ministry for last 40 yrs in this great city of Mumbai a city with agreat contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reach out to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the brokenhearted. we also encouage young and the adults from the west to come to Mumbai towork with us during their vacation time. we would love to have you come to Mumbai to work with us and spend your time intentionally to bring healing to the brokenhearted. I am srue you will have a life changing experience. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is diwakar Wankhede. Looking forward tohear from you very soon. God's richest blessings on you your friends and also wishing you a blessed and a Christ centered rest of the new year 2020.

    1. Hi Diwaker! It sounds like you have a great ministry going. Not sure now is a great time to come, but visiting India would definitely be great to visit.


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